Fatty liver

Also known as Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) is the abnormal accumulation of Fat within the Liver.
This is a very common condition in the west where most of the prevalence studies show that more than 1/3 rd of the population is affected.

Prevalence in Sri Lanka is 32.6% and it’s spreading in epidemic proportions.

Fatty liver is associated with Diabetes, Hypertension, PCOS ( Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) . If you have Diabetes Fatty liver increase your chances of getting heart disease. If not treated Fatty liver may progress to cirrhosis, liver failure and death.

But there is a good news. We can reverse Fatty liver Disease. Numerous studies have proven that fatty liver can be completely reversed with 10% or more body weight loss.

Our clients typically reverse their Grade 1, 2 fatty liver Disease within a period of 3-6 months.

Our ONLINE Medical Nutrition Program specially formulated to reverse Fatty Liver Disease includes medically supervised nutritional intervention with health coaching and digital tools to help you completely reverse your fatty liver Disease.

You can monitor your progress by Checking liver enzymes and Ultrasound scans done at 2-3 month intervals and we guarantee that you will be amazed by the results.